Become a Fresh To You member and create your own meal plan. If you become a member, you will get monthly updates on the newest recipes along with special discounts after being a member for a certain amount of time. After six months of continuous business, receive 5% off of your next purchase. After twelve months, you will receive 10% off your next purchase. After 18 months, get a small appetizer on us! After two years, you will receive a family sized entrée on us! Members also get a buy 10 dishes get 1 dish for half the price.
Sign-up to become a Fresh To You member below.
Fresh To You
221 3rd St, Mellette, SD 57461
Phone: 605-123-4567
Fresh To You does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, sex, marital status,
national origin, age, color, religion, ancestry, status with respect to public
assistance, sexual orientation, or disability.